Saturday, April 18, 2009

Liberty's Shami... sticks it to Hoon on UK torture complicity

Shami Chakrabarti, Director of Liberty (The National Council for Civil Liberties) since September 2003, savages UK Minister Geoff "Buff" Hoon during a BBC 'Question Time' programme back in February.

You gotta love our Shami!

The programme was broadcast a day or so following a legal challenge by Binyam Mohamed, a British resident held at the time in the American base at Guantanamo, at the High Court in London, asking for documents detailing his treatment to be made public.

However, two judges ruling on the case said that David Milliband, the Foreign Secretary, had advised that releasing the documents could lead to America withdrawing intelligence co-operation.

This, it was warned, could lead to Britons facing a very considerable increase in the dangers they face from terrorism.

The judges reveal that the secret documents at the centre of the case give rise to an arguable case of torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. It is also disclosed that a British intelligence official may have been present when Mr Mohamed alleges he was tortured. The judgement raised the prospect of criminal charges being brought against British officials.

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