Here are some very funny Llanito phrases I received in my Inbox today from a Llanita friend.
I'm afraid, if you are a non-llanito speaker... these will make absolutely no sense whatsoever... probably not even to a Spanish speaker! I have included some notes on translation and on the Llanito language generally, at the end of this post.
Anhow... here are the funny Llanito phrases:
El llanito no te llama por teléfono: Te DA toques
El llanito no saluda: Te dice que pasa!!
El llanito no se enamora: Esta enchochao
El llanito no trata de convencerte: Te raya
El llanito no concierta una cita con sus amistades: Queda con Los colegas
El llanito no se lanza: Se Embala
El llanito no bebe mucho: Coge un siego
El llanito no es que no entienda: No lo capta
El llanito no te DA la espalda: Te manda a tomar por culo
El llanito no te llama la atención: Te shilla....killo!!
El llanito no molesta: DA el coñazo
El llanito no se baña: Se pega un duchaso
El llanito no se alimenta: Se pone como el kiko
El llanito no te golpea: Te suelta una ostia
El llanito no trabaja: Curra
El llanito no tiene amantes: Tiene dos o tres chavalitas
El llanito no se impresiona: Lo flipa
El llanito no tiene ganas de hacer pis: Se mea
El llanito no sufre de diarrea: Se caga vivo
El llanito no corre a toda velocidad: Sale follao
El llanito no duerme: Se queda frito
El llanito no se rie a carcajadas: Se parte de risa
El llanito no es buen tipo: Es buena gente
El llanito no hace algo mal: La caga
El llanito no intenta ligar: Intenta comerse un rosco
El llanito no pierde el tiempo: Esta rascandose
El llanito no habla claro: Te lo dice to a la puta cara
El llanito no esta cansado: Esta rebentao
El llanito no ve a una chica fea: Ve a un cromo
El llanito No Se enfada: Se mosquea
El llanito no le sale algo mal: Le estan mentando
El llanito no es cualquier cosa: El Llanito es un ser unico y extraordinario!!
Non-Translatable Llanito Notes
For non-llanito speakers... my apologies... but these Llanito phrases are pretty much... untranslatable!
You can have a go here if you wish... but I wouldn't hold up much hope for the result!
I've had a go at translating one or two... and the results are not at all good... but they are quite hysterically funny... well... to a Llanito!
For instance:
"El llanito No Se enfada: Se mosquea"... translates to: The Llanito was not angry: The mosque!! ha ha Gobbledeygook eh?!!
I'm afraid Google has yet to come up with a translation tool for the Llanito language! Something for my 'colega' friend Dale to work on perhaps? ;)
It would be very interesting to know what Spanish speakers make of this. Maybe we can attract a comment or two from Spanish speakers??
Sería muy interesante saber qué piensan los hispano-hablantes de estas frases Llanitas? Seria bueno si comentaras... gracias en anticipacion!
The last phrase however... does translate quite well:
El llanito no es cualquier cosa: El Llanito es un ser unico y extraordinario!!
Translates to:
A Llanito is not just anything (anyone): A Llanito is quite unique and special!... and that's undoubtedly true!! :)
Llanito explained
For those of you who have no idea what Llanito is... Llanito (pronounced [jɑˈnito] or Yanito is an Andalusian Spanish based vernacular or dialect spoken uniquely in the British overseas territory of Gibraltar. Gibraltarians call ourselves Llanitos.
Llanito consists of an eclectic mix of Andalusian Spanish and British English, marked by a great deal of code switching and loan-words from many other Mediterranean languages.
You can read more about Llanito and the Gibraltarian culture on Wikipedia > Llanito
You can find more information and posts about Gibraltar's Llanito language here.
You may also be interested in having a look at my colega's blog. Dale Buttigieg excellently blogs on the more 'academic' aspects of the Llanito Language here.
I am indebted to the lovely Llanita... Killagigi... for sending these Llanito phrases to me today... Thanks very much Killagigi!
Regions of Britain: The Fens (1977)
7 hours ago
A very good post.
Thank you for having linked my blog.
Thank you.
Dale Buttigieg
No probs Dale... it's my pleasure! :)
Btw... if you added yourself to my 'Follow' (near the top of my right sidebar) you would not have to miss any of these posts... and would save me time, chasing you around to let you know! lol ;) Oh and it's also a great way to make yourself visible to people who visit my blog... and increase visitors to your blog! ;)
Anyway... good to hear from you today... all the best!
Saludos! :)
me he rota la cadera de risa !
heh heh ... Ahi va una Llanita... (creo) Me alegro que te gusto! :)
Que pena que you've posted 'Anonymously'. Podrias haberlo hecho como... pues por ejemplo... 'Una Llanita' Anyhow... good to have a reaction! Tenkiu! :)
Just hate anonymous postings! Sorry... just me being grumpy or... un viejo gruñon... I guess! lol :)
bueno si no te gusta anonymous ..quita lo de los options y no rajas mas .....
ha ha! Wish I could remove 'Anonymous' from the comment options... but it's a Blogger template thingy... and I can't!
What I would suggest is... use the 'Name/URL' option... just omit the URL (it is optional) and use a name e.g. 'Killagigi' for instance!
Pero me encanta lo Llanita que eres!! :) lol
Un abrazo Killa! ;)
Aui la llanita de Lewisham......que ayer fui al opening de orielly's como era st patricks day ....y yo tenia invite para ir..............ahoo como lo irlandeses se lo pasan no ve..el sitio estaba testaito de gente , no pudia entra una hormiga.........lo unico que es no smoking......y cuando sali a fumar de pues de 3 horas no pude entrar otra vez.....menos mal que ne hombrecito se dio cuento , y se lo dijo al dueno.........entonce vinieron y me rescataron ..que romantico ..tenga ustedes un buen dia....adios blanca flor !
:-)) No sé porqué me veo reflejado... I don't know why I see myself reflected here...:-)))
Quizas sera porque muchos Andaluces en el Campo de Gibraltar, aunque no son Gibraltareños, comparten nuestra lengua Llanita... y hablamos todos lo mismo! :)
Maybe it's because many of you throughout the Campo de Gibraltar, even though you are not Gibraltarian, also speak our Llanito... we speak the same language!
Gracias por tu comentario... thanks for your comment colega! :)
Hello all, as I wrote en tu webpage, estas frase are truly Spanish. Puedes oirlas desde Cádiz hasta Barcelona y from Málaga to Pontevedra.
Hay una que está incomplete as I said to you antes. It is up to you to amend it or not, pero la frase ha quedado un poco lame.
Lo que sí es cierto es que la gracia y el salero con el que un llanito (o gaditano en general) pronounces any of them no la tiene un tio de Pontevedra!
heh heh Estoy contigo Shazzbat... no hay duda que no hay nada como la gracia y el salero que tienen los Gaditanos... (Andaluces quizas) y los Llanitos (bueno la mayoria)... No doubt about it!
Anyone wondering what Shazzbat means by "en tu webpage"... he is referring to a conversation going on in our Forum discussion > Frases Llanitas... Some funny Llanito phrases.
I have answered you more at length there Shazzbat. Gracias por tu comentario today... always a pleasure!
Un abrazo y Saludos! :)
hello, i think i can help with the translation of "El llanito No Se enfada: Se mosquea".
"mosqueado" is literally "annoyed by flies" (yes, the winged insects. fly = mosca in spanish). nothing related with muslims or mosques.
Thanks for that explanation... but to be fair no one had queried it. All Gibraltarians and the people in the communities living close to Gibraltar know what 'mosqueado' means... and you're right... it has nothing to do with either mosques or muslims. The literal translation is as you explained! But in common usage... it just means 'angry' or 'irritated'... or plain 'pissed off'. in the vernacular! Thanks again for your comment! :)
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